Monday, February 3, 2020

Management Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Skills - Essay Example I have high self-awareness such that I know a lot about myself, my attitudes, beliefs, emotions and many other traits that I have. I have found out that one cannot have all the good qualities and therefore I have identified my strength and weaknesses from colleagues and this has helped me improve in areas that I initially thought to be my strong points. I also talk to others about myself so that they are able to know exactly who I am. This is good because it fosters good relations between a manager and the employees as they know exactly what I like and what I do not like.In a normal working day, a manager is facing d with stressful events, the pressure to produce results and deadlines to meet. In such situations, I ensure that I prioritize events and work so that the most important things come first. This helps me a lot to avoid stressful moments when work has to be submitted and yet I have not completed it. Besides that to ensure that I do not break down as a result of work stress I ensure that I go to work out every day before I go to work. This makes me fit and keeps me going.Problems are part of the life of a manager. There are routine problems that will usually occur each and every day or occasionally. It is important as a manager to be prepared to handle the problem in a professional way. Therefore in such cases, I make sure I understand what the problem is through careful definition. After knowing what the problem is I generate as many solutions as possible that can be used to solve the problem.

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